배송 좋아요
입맛까다로운 울 개도 먹을정도로 기호성좋아요
완전말랑한타입은 아니지만 일반사료보단 꾹 누르면 좀 덜딱딱해요
너무 잘먹어서 씹지도 않고 흡입을 하네요;;
그래서인지 1주도 안되서 살이 올랐답니다^^
늘 구입하던 제품 싸게 샀어요
일년째 울강쥐들을 위해서 구매하고 있읍니다
말랑말랑 거려서 노견도 좋코 또 잘먹어요
털에 윤기도 좔좔 흐르고ㅋ
쫗아요 항상 매번 재구매 의사 있어요
타가제품 먹이다 자꾸 토해서 바꿨는데 아직 별 문제 없네요~ 7살 비숑 딱딱한 사료 언먹으려해서 두번째 소프트 사료네용
One of our dogs has been defecating strangely after switching to this. Her feces is very loose and runny. This is the only change we’ve made to her diet so I suspect this to be the cause.
The food itself is semi-moist like advertised. It’s contained in separate bags which I think preserves the freshness. This creates slightly more waste for the environment but overall the packaging is satisfactory.
I have two small Malteses and in one day the two share a little less than 2 bags. So they go through it quite fast. Don’t think I’ll repurchase this though. It doesn’t seem to reduce the odor of their waste and this doesn’t help with their itchy skin either.