한성컴퓨터 68cm QHD 평면 144 게이밍 모니터 리뷰


한성컴퓨터 68cm QHD 평면 144 게이밍 모니터

언제나 실사용 후기를 알려드리는 리뷰모아입니다.

본 제품에는 38건의 리뷰가 등록되어 있습니다.

최근 일주일 동안 2건 이상의 리뷰가 새로 추가되었습니다. ( 2021-04-29 기준)


★★★★★ 2021-04-15

듀얼모니터 쓰려고 모니터 2개 구매했습니다. 성능이 정말 좋고, 화질도 만족합니다. 잘 쓰겠습니다.

★★★★★ 2021-03-18


★★★★★ 2021-03-04

생각보다 너무 좋음

★★★★☆ 2021-02-27

The monitor, true to it's promises, is pretty good. 144hz, QHD/1440p, wide viewing angles, etc. Its definitely a great buy for anybody wanting a high quality monitor at this price range. My only issue with it (and this is only related to my personal experience, you might not have this issue at all or find any problems with it) is that I had been using a TN panel up untill this point. TN panels, though not color accurate, tend to be better than PVA panels when it comes to response times. I researched this ahead of time and knew that I would have to deal with this, but the amount of ghosting I experienced on this thing was enough to turn me off. Still, this is a great monitor and for it's price point, it's kinda ridiculous that they're packaging so many features at this price. For now, I think I'm going to give this monitor to my father and go back to using my TN, but if you can handle a little ghosting and not be put off by it, then this could be the monitor for you.

★★☆☆☆ 2021-02-24

모니터 윗부분이 자꾸 깜빡거리는데 고치는 방법이 있을까요? 일단 포함되어있는 DP선을 그래픽카드랑 연결하였고 주사율은 144Hz로 해놓고 해상도는 기본으로 되어있습니다. 프리싱크 켜놓았고 프리싱크를 꺼도 증상은 동일합니다.



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